Originally Posted by Kriston
I don't think we need to assume that all newbies are idiots though. Sometimes it sounds like that's what's happening on this topic, and I don't think we have to do that. Nothing will work for everyone. This works for some people. It's one tool among many. Anyone who blindly follows the first book they pick up on this topic is in trouble no matter which book they pick!

I didn't hear anyone suggest newbies are idiots. I haven't heard anything remotely like that. I sure don't think I'm an idiot, but I can very well remember what it feels like to be an overwhelmed parent of a complex 2E kid. It wasn't a matter of blindly following anything. Instead it was ab out being in a place of being worried, confused, terrified and reaching out for answers. I don't like to think of parents in that position being told for $45 they can get a report telling them how smart their child is. It is being presented as science and it is far from it.