I guess I'm one of the few that it does work for and was my wake up call when I read her book. DD and our experience with her was all in the examples. We had that infant who was alert from birth, even helped deliver herself during the c-section. She was also a very early verbal baby. Obsessed with books from 3 months on and learned ABCs by 9 months which was not my doing but her own obsession with some letter books we had in the closet and brought out for a toddler who came for a visit one day. What she isn't is a child interested in puzzles. My sister bought her a shape sorter for Christmas when DD was barely a year and DD was able to use it but didn't really care for it, so it sat in a box forever.

I went ahead and paid for the assessment because price wasn't much and since we have no plans of testing DD right now. I wasn't shocked by the results but found it interesting that Ruf's assessment places DD higher than I did by reading the book.