Originally Posted by Kriston
Superiority not warranted. But for a newbie with no real understanding of testing, the range idea is going to be a new concept. It's silly to *you* because you've been around the block, but I don't think this site is for you. Or me. It's step one in the journey and we're on step 12 (or whatever).

Oh, I'm probably only on step 2 or 3. smile But I'm not saying that it's silly to explain that an IQ score represents a range. I'm saying that it's silly to claim that a range is better than an IQ score. I don't think this is shorthand for beginners who might otherwise have trouble understanding; I think it is intentionally inaccurate and meant to deceive.

Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
1. LOG are just something I made up and have barely studied with a small fairly homogeneous sample of kids so they might not be at all accurate.

laugh I wonder if making that statement would have an impact on her bottom line?

This might cheer you up, PTP: Perhaps because her program doesn't have much more information than her list of milestones did, it seems she's removed the list from her website. Perhaps that'll make her schema less prevalent rather than more. I'll also note that an online "test" for $45 that will tell me how smart my kid is sets of my b*llsh*t alarm big time. This isn't the only one out there, and it's probably not less accurate than most (not that I've beta tested any of the others).