I have become lost in the length of this thread and am somewhat confused. Has anyone on this discussion actually USED the online assessment tool? If so, was it helpful to you?

I am a little put off by the claims on the website but must say that we travelled to MN for our DS to be evaluated by Dr. Ruf two years ago. It was different than the first time we had him tested as Dr. Ruf's focus is on academic needs and his first assessment at the age of 5 was done by a clinical psychologist. But I have to say that we found our trip to see Dr. Ruf extremely helpful and well worth the time and money. She actually seemed to understand our son better than anyone who had met him. We had been struggling with behavior problems and she told us to address his abilities in math more accurately which would likely improve his behavior across the board. We had NO idea that he needed to be skipped two more grades in math until we met with Dr. Ruf.

I have to agree with others who have pointed out that Dr. Ruf is but one expert in the field and is not the person for everyone. But for some, her assessment approach may be just the thing they need.

Again, has anyone here actually USED the online tool?