
If you want me to renounce Ruf (again, I mean the book, NOT the website, which troubles me), then we'll have to agree to disagree. It was by far the most useful thing that I read, and I see no sense in renouncing something that many people have found helpful. You are entitled to your opinion, of course, but I am entitled to mine.

I am thinking of other gifted children, just as you are. We just see this differently.

Ruf's book is NOT a gifted program that leaves 9 out of 10 gifted kids in academic squalor. This is one possible *tool* for *parents* to use to help them *think* about their kids. That's two TOTALLY different things. If it helps, great. If not, move on to something else. That's how it works, time constraints or no.

No book fits all gifted kids perfectly. More options are better than fewer.

For the record, I thought DS9 was MG. He's a level 4 (and continues to be so). This is why Ruf's book helped me: I was deep in gifted denial. Far from confirming what I already thought, the book radically changed the way I understood giftedness.

I would not recommend the book to the parent of a 2E child. I did not use it with my own 2E child. But for parents in gifted denial, it is useful. Different tools for different jobs.

And again, the website gives me trouble. I think the marketing is more aggressive than it should be and the claims are overstated. I think that perhaps you should write to Dr. Ruf and explain your concerns. I intend to. Maybe she'll tone down the over-the-top claims.
