Originally Posted by passthepotatoes
Originally Posted by newmom21C
But I could definitely see how a parent who had a kid that for whatever reason was a slow starter could read that book and get the wrong impression. But then again, I doubt that parent would be as likely to pick up that book, you know?

I can't speak for other parents but I can say that we were picking up any and every book we could find. Books about giftedness, autism, auditory processing, Einstein syndrome, sensory processing, etc. You name it. We knew there was *something* but really had no idea exactly what it was. Given the many posts I've seen from parents in similar situations here I think that is probably not too uncommon.

I guess, I'm surprised by this. This is completely anecdotal but I do have some friends whose kids had delays... none of them went in the direction of giftedness (at least that I know of). I'm curious... what made you think to pick up books on giftedness/Einstein syndrome? Was there giftedness in your family or where there some signs that might have been but weren't something as obvious as what Ruf discusses (stuff like early talking/reading etc.)? I guess, if DD had had delays in the beginning it's not something I would've thought of (then again, I knew very little about giftedness before having DD).