Quite interesting. I read her book last fall after considering it for few months. It did not help me much. I guess I'm too perfectionist to place DD on any level. She seems clearly more than 2 but not 5. Lot of Dr. Rufs level are based on things that are not very clear like: What kind of books (soft, board, normal) she means, what kind of puzzles and familiar or new puzzles? What does she mean adult level complexity in speech (at 3 DD speaks very well two languages but I obviously speak better at 30 so does that mean it is not adult level if I'm better) What does playing with shape sorter mean? DD played with one at 6mo when she got it as a gift but I don't think she could do it yet. What if you don't have a tv or believe that babies should not watch any. I basically had issues with most of the milestones as they are not clear to me. I could give different answers depending on what I decide she means (or how gifted I think DD is ). Maybe her theses would give clearer descriptions and seem more scientific from the methods point of view.

I checked the website and it said you can use the test for very advanced 3 year olds without saying what it means.