Originally Posted by newmom21C
I guess, I'm surprised by this. This is completely anecdotal but I do have some friends whose kids had delays... none of them went in the direction of giftedness (at least that I know of). I'm curious... what made you think to pick up books on giftedness/Einstein syndrome? Was there giftedness in your family or where there some signs that might have been but weren't something as obvious as what Ruf discusses (stuff like early talking/reading etc.)? I guess, if DD had had delays in the beginning it's not something I would've thought of (then again, I knew very little about giftedness before having DD).

Just from another prospective. I never knew DS was GT until the end of kindergarten, at which time I started reading books. I got Ruf from the library shortly thereafter. And keep in mind, my child did hit the ceiling of a screener at school, but has never been fully tested by an expert.

So had I JUST picked up the Ruf book with my selective memory and hard grading, I would have pegged my kid level 1 or 2. Lucky for me I have that GT OCD syndrome, that forced me to read 20 books and spend hours researching this topic on the web. Honestly, I haven't even been comfortable calling my kid approaching PG until the past year where he pretty consistently hit some very high scores on achievement levels a few times (at age 9). And we run a pretty laid back homeschool in these parts.