Originally Posted by aline
I want to interject something into this thread. Think about the adults you know, perhaps especially hg/pg males, and think about their "position" on the autistic spectrum. I don't know about many of you but there is a significant number of extremely successful people that I know who would be labeled as children but are perfectly smart but odd adults. The fear issue around some of this childhood labeling is destructive.

Though Asperger's was never suggested for DS, I know several friends who have accepted this label for their DC. And I, though my opinion is only that, have always thought those children shouldn't be labeled as such. It seems to me that every 5 year old who is intellectually a 10 year old and shows a doctor he/she can't socialize with another 5 year old b/c he/she would rather discuss algebra is labeled as Asperger's these days. And that is so wrong, imo.