Originally Posted by Belle
we did their assessment and it showed he had zero chance of having Aspergers but that he was highly gifted.

I was stunned when our advocate informed us that it was clear that this school was not going to work with us and that she suggested we "fib" during the assessment process in order to get him staffed as Aspergers because then they would be required to focus more on getting his needs met. I refused because I did not want my child to be improperly labeled. I also suggest the read MisDiagnosis- excellent book. At one point we had considered driving to Kentucky to meet with Dr. Amend for gifted testing....we set up a phone conference with him and he was So incredibly fascinating to listen to on the phone...he shared that SO many gifted children get misdiagnosed and that you know your child best

this is what I am fearful of happening. I don't know, I'm partially grateful to the school for noticing these things, because they are troubling and my ds does need some help with the socialization, etc.

but the way it is happening makes my stomach a knot. I should get Misdiagnosis today and I'll read it, and study it.

I have read what is available on googlebooks.

Belle, was your child able to get help, even without the Aspie label?? Did you think he needed it?

There's a star man waiting in the sky he'd like to come meet us but he's sure he'll blow our minds