Thank you for all of your replies!

First of all, I feel kind of railroaded by the teacher during the meeting... I mean, I knew of some of the things going on, but it was worse when he first began at the school, but that was months ago, and his behavior is very different now. But certain things that they described at this meeting, things that happened that demonstrate his "aggression"-- well this was the first time I had heard of these things happening!!!

They kept saying he has high aggression. Now, if you've spent time with my kid you would know he can be bossy, and a bit pushy with other kids. He doesn't really know how to relate to other kids. He might say, "LEAVE ME ALONE." But he isn't "aggressive" as in hitting other children for no reason. If he is pushed, he'll push back. But he is *tiny* compared to other kids his age, so it isn't like he is physically intimidating other children, you know??

Also, other kids will tease him and teachers don't always pick up on it. He will respond with full force, because he doesn't like to be teased. So the teacher's don't see the initial teasing, but will see his response (because you can't avoid it).

So that was hard to hear all this stuff, and I just wondered why they hadn't mentioned this before???

So there was that shock... and then I just feel like things that happened when he was first at the school--months ago, are now being held up as his "normal" behavior.

I will get Misdiagnosis. Is it weird to bring the book to the meeting with the psych?? I just feel like all of this is based on this persons limited interaction with my child. And he has been in so many schools and never thought of as having problems--sure he was quirky, and anxious.

We have sought help for his Anxiety-- but our insurance is horrible and we weren't really comfortable with going the route that the insurance covered. We might just have to pay for it out of pocket.

I will ask for a full neuropsych. evaluation if they assert he is on the spectrum. I know many kids all over the spectrum, and just don't see my son being there--of course if he were I'd have no problem with it and embrace it. I know that labels (like the gifted label :lol ) can be helpful.

The ED label freaks me out! And that just isn't my kid at all.

Although, again we would love to have some help with the anxiety and the socialization.

I don't know about the psych. but I do know that the special ed teacher at our school also works at the gifted magnet here (which is for gifted kids, not high achieving kids). Because of this, I was initially comfortable with the evaluation, and thought it would be helpful. But now I just feel like crying!

You are right Vicam--about the crying. Also, Vicam, as a side note, have you seen the movie �Phoebe In Wonderland," about a child with tourettes. It is really a lovely movie--it might be too intense for your son at this point.

its like just when I think we are good, it all hits the fan. But maybe I'm just worried, and it will all work out.

Thank you! It is so good to know that this happens to other families, as crappy as that sounds. But I feel so alone as a parent of a child like this... the gifted kids we know are typically high achievers.

There's a star man waiting in the sky he'd like to come meet us but he's sure he'll blow our minds