Originally Posted by chris1234
Rather than rehash, thought I'd offer this thread if you haven't come across it...some discussion of anxiety, depression, adhd, aspergers and how it can all be very confusing.

The suggested neuropsychological eval (from keet's post) is the way to go if at all possible, as it looks at the whole child, environment, etc. rather than just one issue and try to fit it to the child's behavior


thanks for the link. My ds sounds a lot like yours just from the post--he is very outgoing and social, but doesn't connect with other kids, and I know it bothers him. He tries really hard. He does have some friends at school now, although he still feels awkward around them.

I would say that my son has had depressive episodes, and anxiety. So I am happy that we are getting some help.

I am looking for a neuropsychologist in our area...

thank you.

There's a star man waiting in the sky he'd like to come meet us but he's sure he'll blow our minds