and I have a sinking feeling about it.

Here is some background:

My son is very bright, assessed for gifted and talented at his previous school, but has yet to have a formal IQ test. Based on my read of him (and yes I know I am biased being his mama, but a lot of his giftedness to me is exhibited by the not so positive aspects of being gifted) he is highly gifted.

He has extreme over overexcitabilities, is emotionally sensitive, and has difficulties relating to same age peers.

He has been in a different school every year since Kindergarten-- Kindergarten went alright, but first grade was so bad we pulled him midyear and homeschooled. After moving to a new city, we decided to go for the local, well-rated public school. He had a pretty good year, but towards the end of the year, he was increasingly acting out and developing his role as the 'class clown.' He was clearly underachieving. He wrestles with perfectionism, and will tear up work and simply not try if he can't do it perfectly.

So this year we tried a new Montessori charter school. He is in a mixed aged 1-3 class (he is a 3rd grader).

He has always said that he loves the school, and talks about being happy there (or what he says makes me think he is happy there). But at the same time, his behavior has alarmed the teachers so much that he is being evaluated by the school psychologist.

I think that this is good--they will do a full IQ assessment (his qualification as gifted from his previous school was based on a group administered achievement test), and an emotional evaluation.

But I am also terrified of a misdiagnosis. I mean, he is a different sort of kid, and I have always wondered if he has Asperger's--but then he is *highly* coordinated, learning to ride a bike at a young age, and has no problem interacting/conversing with adults, and brings us pictures he has drawn, etc.

Perhaps he has something else--SPD, etc. But its hard to say. He is sensitive, and has *a lot* of anxiety (which should be treated-- and hopefully he will be treated for his anxiety through all of this).

And please don't get me wrong, if he really is something, I'm not in denial about it, you know? I want to help my child.

I am trying to get a hold of misdiagnosis and dual diagnoses of gifted children... I may just have to scrape together the money and buy it.

But I'm just nervous about it all. He could use help, he so desperately wants to be friends with other kids, but doesn't exactly know how.

Anyone BTDT?? Thanks!

There's a star man waiting in the sky he'd like to come meet us but he's sure he'll blow our minds