Hi Starman. It looks like the Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis book is available on Google Book. They don't have the entire book online, but the first 150 pages are available for reading - might be good to check it out until you get a chance to buy the book. When my DS 6 was tested last year the psych recommended the book for my super active son as he believed that there was the potential that a school/teacher might misdiagnose at some point. My son tested at HG/PG, but is not reading or doing math at advanced levels, he is simply only interested in what interests him at this point. DS is also the class clown and does his best to get a laugh whenever he can, even at his own expense. He has struggled socially; we're hoping this will improve as he matures. He knows how to play with kids, he just never seems to click with anyone. I was concerned about ADHD, but after two hours with DS, the psych was adamant that he definitely did not have a LD. It certainly put our minds at ease. I think the key to an evaluation is having someone who is familiar with gifted kids, and their characteristics (and quirks). The evaluation may be a good thing - I would just want to make sure that the person conducting the evaluation has experience with gifted kids.

Last edited by venture; 02/22/10 02:51 AM.