If we had a teacher able to teach Algebra to a K student my children would be in public school right now. I spent four long years fighting our school district. I am only making marginal progress. It has taken that long for them to even aknowledge that they cannot meet my DD9's needs. And they did admit it since we are not in a state with any GT laws. My DD9 attends for a partial day, homeschools all but ELA. My younger children homeschool exclusively right now.

I attended the same district when we moved in for my high school years. I went from a expensive GT private school in Ohio (gifted laws) to public school in Michigan (no gifted laws). What a complete waste of four years. I do not wish to see the same thing for my children. I would love to be able to change things so that gifted children in this district get what they need, and definately beginning in elementary years. Many have fought in previous years, few of us have gotten anywhere. I cannot continue to wait for them to figure it out at my children's expense. My DD9 finally asked to be homeschooled last summer. For now a partial day is working. Still hoping to work something out for her to attend some higher classes in the future but not holding my breath in the mean time.

EPGY OE Volunteer Group Leader