Originally Posted by NMMOMTECH
Be careful with homeschooling. I know many,( one was my best friend) that were home schooled and when it came to college they did not have the social skills to survive the college life. I know a lot of schools where I live are willing to working with you and your child to get them the best education possible. If I were you I would also look at Montessori school so that your child can get the social aspect of life too.

Actually, there are a number of studies that have shown that homeschooled kids tend to be very well adjusted. Personally, I have known a number of public-schooled kids who ended up having horrible socialization problems in college (some of whom ended up dropping out). So unless you have something other than anecdotes to support your statement, I will stick with what the research shows. See, e.g., http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1999/03/19/ED71809.DTL