Thank you all for your support and helpful suggestions. I will definately check out the bravewriter site. Even the title sounds encouraging! And, I like the idea of dictation as a breakthrough method.

Shari, generally the other children are supportive of our decision to homeschool DS6 (thanks for asking!). The 21 yr old thinks it's kind of crazy (I think in a cool way), the 12 and 14 yr olds are just glad it isn't them (they love their friends at school), and our other 6 yr old hasn't really thought about it much. The only issue has been with our 8 yr old daughter. She has made a few comments that indicate some jealousy. This is pretty typical for her. I think she's in the right place (at school) for now, because she needs the special support she gets there and she needs social skills in some ways more than book knowledge. But who knows...maybe if this works out, I'll bring her home too. Never say never!