Drew - I'd love to hear your response to Kriston's inquiry. If you are comfortable sharing more details - I'd also like to know how old you were when you began & finished home schooling? How much time did you spend in the ps school system? Can you tell us more about what your daily routine was as a child being hs?
I am considering hs but right now we are planning on private Friends school next year at a very hefty price tag on top of our taxes - which in NJ are out of control But as another parent on this thread said - it's not about taxes it's about our kids. We did the Montessori thing for preschool and that was a terrible experience. My son, who was 3-4 at the time, was self-initiating learning at home about black holes, super novas & topics way beyond his age - was bored to tears literally at the Montessori. PS has been a struggle, and all though I first took the approach that the system needs to change (and it does big time) I soon realized that my son was suffering now and that those changes would not come soon enough for him. He's asking to go to another school or be homeschooled so he can finally learn something he doesn't already know.
That said, I would love to find out more info on groups that are organizing to fight for change in our ps system. It's long overdue. Was it not in the 70's when the Marland report came out and called for changes to gifted education that still have not been fully accepted or enacted? Government moves very slowly. Who can fault the parent that acts in the best interest of their child? I'm certain many parents would love to organize & advocate for changes to gifted public education. Drew - maybe you could start a thread on this matter - you may find many allies here.

Last edited by FrustratedNJMOM; 04/15/09 02:42 AM.