You children must attend the Moriarty School district. Most of Moriarty's Gifted students are the one's are I started the study with. Followed one all the way to Yale. ( He was home schooled)He left 2nd year. I'm a mom of "many". I'm didn't tell them not to home school I just said be careful. I am a very big child advocate for children in New Mexico. Trust me Santa Fe runs when they see me. Funny I didn't see many "Gifted" parents fighting the Funding bill(well except for me) that took Gifted out the formula. And yes I won and Gifted is still in the formula. Homeschooling is great. And when my paper is published I will get the "COLD HARD FACTS". I left Moriarty for that reason. It's every parents right to do what ever they want. Me the only war I have is under educated "Gifted" students.