Originally Posted by OHGrandma
If anyone has any doubts about Movingup6's motivation for homeschooling, or how hard she worked with the school to get what her child needs in a public school setting, or how much thought she has apparently put into this decision, then go back and read the first post in this thread. Her child is at risk if left in the public schools, and she doesn't have time to change things for the next child or generation -- her child is suffering NOW!

Good luck Movingup6!

Indeed! smile

Our priority is not "tax money;" it's our own children. We are all very supportive of whatever solutions work for each family. Homeschooling is not for everyone, and that's fine. Every family, every child, every school option is different. We're not homeschool pushers here, just people trying to find workable solutions for our children. Second-guessing the solutions that others are trying--whatever those solutions may be--is pretty much never appreciated here. We're all about the support!

I'm sorry you think your parents made a mistake with homeschooling, Drew. I hope you do well in your life in spite of their error. You seem like a pretty resiliant person, so I have high hopes! smile
