Originally Posted by incogneato
Drew I had the same exact experience as you, except replace "Public School" with "Homeschool". I can really relate to your feelings on the issues and I feel as if I missed out by not having the opportunity to learn at home, at my own pace and level. Trust me, I felt very *abused* by the public school system. It was just as tragic for me as homeschooling seemed to be for you.

I had the same experience with my elementary school years. I was at a small private school that didn't acknowledge GT needs. I felt like a fish out of water for 9 years.

I'm sorry Drew had a bad homeschooling experience. If you had a kindergarten teacher at a public school working with you on Algebra, that is amazing! My child would still be at public school if that were our experience. If you asked my 8 year old if he wanted to return to traditional school you would get a resounding no. I literally think it would be damaging to him to throw him back in right now. Every child and situation is different.