I think the issue here is that the kids discussed here are at the extreme end of the spectrum. There is a big difference between a kid that qualifies for a GT program at school and these kids. Extreme kids require extreme measures. Because your statement was made in "blanket" fashion, it made a lot of hackles stand up. We as parents advocating for these kids get the standard blanket answer all too often by school admins etc.
"Oh we have a wonderful pullout 2 hrs a week which will expose your DD/DS to next years material" When the truth is DD/DS need to be accelerated 3-4 years.

As far as NM goes, I'll be the first to admit that NM isn't known for it's gifted programs. At first glance there aren't any. When we first looked into school I was told by NMATAG that I should move to a differrent state. But the fact is our school has been fabulous, our district super supportive. In spite of this, at some point I will have to homeschool. My DS6 is learning at the rate of 3 grade levels per year. Next year he will need math at the high school level. Sending a 7-8 year old to high school isn't something I'm willing to contemplate.

It's really easy to say what someone else should do with a kid like this, but until you live through it, it's impossible to know what the best choices are. Even as we make our choices, we all second guess ourselves. Maybe your comments weren't meant in an antagonistic way but it certainly came across that way. The parents on this forum are people that care, are looking for answers and support each other. We pay attention to the research and I for one haven't seen anything to support your claims.You are entitled to take a stand against homeschooling for yourself and your children but don't disparage others for choosing differently. No one will ever "attack" you for stating your opinion on this board, only for trying to put your views on us.

Mom to DS 10, DS 11, DS 13
Ability doesn't make us, Choices do!