Crisc, let me know how that 'social group' goes for your DS. GS9 sees a counselor at the school, and has since the 2nd grade. The counselor is a grad student at the local college, a different one each year. Each one wants to work with him in a group. I allowed it for a brief time last year, long enough to see my gut instinct on this was right, this is not right for my kid.
The problems I see with it(the way it was done at GS's school) is they hand pick a group of kids that all have behaviorial issues. These kids all know what is acceptable behavior, they're not retarded, they have a variety of issues that make them act out. So, on top of having his own issues to deal with, GS was bombarded with all these other kids issues. GS is too sensitive, and this all affected him negatively. On top of that, I didn't want GS being pegged as "one of those bad kids" by the other kids in school.
It has worked out much better for us to immerse GS9 in every activity available. And if parental participation is welcome, all the better! Cub Scouts, swim lessons, 4-H, Cloverbuds, church groups, etc., the list goes on but those have been the main ones. I would attend to reinforce the authority of the leader/instructer. I could supervise behavior and intervene as necessary. The kids in these groups, for the most part, have had involved parents who were concerned about appropriate behavior so GS was was not picked on, or excluded. It's been slow, but those friendships are carrying into school now, and the social issues are less of a problem now.