Her last e-mail already told me she was "looking forward to sharing with me the district assessments that were recently done".

This makes me think she's going to give you data that supports her position that he's not gifted. This happened to me and I was given my daughter's scores and "gifted" scores. When I pointed out later the assessments had been misinterpreted and my daughter's scores were clearly in the gifted range, I was told the assessment was only for guiding instruction and not for determining placement in gifted programs.

Do you know if MAP was one of the assessments your son took? If you are given percentiles using these scores (link below), you need to know that they are wrong. After much pushing on my part and having DH attend a meeting with me, the school personnel confirmed it with the testing company. It looks like other school districts are using this too since I found this on a different district's web site. I think I have to write a letter to NWEA.

