Hi Crisc,
Just wanted to say 'Hi' and 'Good luck' for tommorow. Did you win the principle's permission to 'sit in' in class?

Everything she says is true, BUT, if you sit quietly and observe, you might see quite a bit.

It's good that they tested his spelling and reading, (although it doesn't sound like they actually went to his capasity level with either test - good to point out if needed tommorow)

I just don't know if they will fight you or grab your position. Be prepared for that; I don't know how many times in life I've tried to convinse someone of something, only to come back to the table and watch them try to convines me that this was the position that they held all along. Remember from me, if this happens, that this is as close to an appology as you are likely to get, and that it doesn't matter who gets the credit, if only your son gets to learn at his readiness level.

Sounds like you are going in there alone, yes? Take notes. If you need a moment to collect yourself, step out to pee, that's a sure fire escape trick. Remember that when you get home, write down everything that was said in an email, and copy past a version here.

The worst in my book was when they finally seem to be coming around, and then when I send my sweet 'great meeting!' email, they say: 'Oh! We didn't say we would DO all that, we were just brainstorming ideas of things that we could do.'

Yes, I have BTDT. Pick up a funny or melodramatic DVD to watch, and perhaps some comfort food of choice. Dinner in the crock pot put up this morning if possible. Expect to be full of feelings before and after the meeting, and not good for much for a day or two.

After one really bad meeting, I couldn't even post for 2 weeks - I have BTDT!

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com