Ok. I have been here before. Take a step back and a deep breath. You have definitely pissed her off. I did the same exact thing. Email was much of the problem. Schedule the meeting but don't meet with her alone. Have the principal and a GT specialist there as well. Bring in examples of his work. This is why we took a WISC in the first place. I scheduled and got the results inside of a week. The school stopped giving me a hard time when they saw my dd's verbal scores. You have to speak their language but don't let them use his behavior as an excuse not to teach him. Say something like, "yes we understand there are behavioral issues and we are working on it. Maybe we are not that far apart here and if we can find a solution to the academic issues it might make solving the behavioral issues a bit easier." Try not to belittle or antagonize them. They are all you have right now and unless you want to homeschool or pay for private you do not want to spend the rest of his school days fighting with teachers and admininstrators, although you might have to anyway. Bite your tongue and try to be diplomatic remembering that a good outcome will benefit your child.

I'm sorry for you. It should not be so hard.

best to you and good luck.