DS7 was the same way about never putting things in his mouth. After about 6 months or so, it just was never an issue. He did suck his thumb--especially when he was thinking about something or studying how something worked--but he just didn't mouth toys. However, he is my "I'll try any food" kid, so I don't think that was a sensitivity issue so much as the fact that he's a really visual kid and he liked his thumb a lot. wink

DS4 did mouth stuff, so it was a real adjustment when he came along! Of course he also managed to reach up inside the fireplace stove, into the wall and pull out a handful of fiberglass insulation when he was a little over a year old. We didn't know that was even possible! The room had been childproofed for 4 years by that time! And when he was about 18mos., he locked me out of my bedroom. By the time I got the door open, he had pennies in one hand, his arm was wet to the elbow from the toilet, and he was reaching for the outlet with the other hand. No exaggeration! All he was missing for the "child kills self with exploration" hat trick was a bottle of something poisonous waiting to be guzzled! I would have thought it was a made-up story if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!!!

Sorry to digress...My point is that the 4yo adventure nut who knows no fear is my picky eater. My 7yo cautious, responsible kid with food allergies will eat whatever I put in front of him--and we eat some unusual things compared to most Americans!--and ask for seconds and thirds.

