While employed as a flight attendant for one year between college semesters, I witnessed mothers filling their children�s baby bottles with Coke quite frequently and would often deliver unsolicited and unappreciated cartons of milk -I couldn�t help myself.

Our kids generally drink regular, chocolate or soy milk, water and OJ, but my son does drink soda in moderation which has meant approximately twice per week since he was six or so. Just recently though, I have begun to include a short can of diet caffeinated soda (in addition to milk) for his school lunch because he has to get up at 5am each morning now for school. I�m still considering whether this is a really bad idea (the soda, not the school).

Since they were very young, we allowed our kids to make their own decisions about what snacks they consumed. Of course, we discussed proper nutrition on a regular basis and the importance of balancing empty calories so they could make informed choices. They do fairly well and usually choose small portions of junk food (if at all) combined with yogurt or fruit when they want a snack. We don�t buy whole and organic foods exclusively, but I believe their diets are healthier than average.