My kids have sensory issues, and I was originally very frustrated with their lack of diversity in their diets as toddlers. But I gathered together many suggestions and these are the ones that worked. Gardening especially has introduced them to a wide variety of veggies. If they work hard enough to get something to grow, I think they're willing to give it a try no matter what, even asparagus and celery which they all had problems with the texture at first.

Another issue is that babies are born with their mouths covered with taste buds. When wine tasting, the reason the tasters whoosh the wine in their mouths is to use the taste buds not on the tongue. This causes foods to be very powerful for babies and toddlers and is why baby food is so bland. If my kids gagged, I'd wait and introduce it later. The taste might not be so strong.

You are so right that it is amazing how sensitive they are at the subtle differences.

I do agree, it takes a long time to ease up on the butter or sauce, but eventually it took.

It also was convenient, since labels like Green Giant, have some veggies with sauces/butter already on them, so I could just microwave it and it would work.

I've heard about hiding veggies in food, but I've never tried that. But I have surprised them with zucchini bread and sweet potato pie...couldn't believe there were veggies really in there.