Thanks for the information regarding caffeine levels and the suggestion for dark chocolate. My daughter is the dark chocolate aficionado of the two kids and my son doesn�t care much for it last I checked. You gave me an excellent reason to bring it home more often for the rest of us!

I looked on the label for the Horizon brand organic chocolate milk which I buy for their lunches. Sure enough, it has cane syrup in it. I understand that even diet soda promotes tooth decay. Fortunately, DS has never had a cavity, but he will need to be especially careful now, since he will be getting braces soon.

I�ll mention the dark chocolate idea to him. Maybe his taste has changed in the last year.

I sent an email to find out if Promised Land milk is available around here. Their dark chocolate milk sounds great.

We have definitely increased the amount of fiber and lean protein in our diets, but I have to make a greater effort to reduce the sugars we all eat.