Originally Posted by Val
THEN I saw the DVD version of Supersize Me. It has a DVD Extra where they did a science experiment. They bought a Filet-o-Fish, a McDonald's hamburger (or a Big Mac or something), a McD's Large Fries, and a burger from the tasty burger place across the road. They put each item in a glass jar, sealed the jars, and then OBSERVED what happened over time. The results were predictable for everything but the french fries....mold, etc. As for the french fries: nothing happened, except that maybe they got a little limpid looking.

After I saw that segment, I never, ever ate McDonald's fries again. And I don't eat most other fast food fries. We like Organic Russet Potato oven chips from Whole Foods. Very tasty.


The result of the fries is not necessarily alarming, other than the fact it shows how much fat is absorbed into the potato. An early common method of storing food was to cook it in fat, or cook the fat out and let it cool with the fat hardening on top to make an air tight seal. The biggest problem with the fries is consuming so much fat when your body doesn't need that much to burn.