ss62, sorry to be so slow in responding... my time is at a premium these days.

Background info -
The IAS does NOT express that it is limited to only students in general education programs (and does not apply to children in gifted/accelerated programs), therefore I would suggest that the school made this up.

The IAS can be used even for multiple accelerations. It is not uncommon for a child to skip a grade, and later skip another grade.

Ideas for Next Steps -
1) Rather than allowing the school to put you on the defensive and have you prove that "IAS can also be used for kids in accelerated programs", I would ask the school for a link or supporting document that supports their assertion that "IAS takes into account only non-accelerated kids." What is their basis for this claim?

2) You might also want to contact the Acceleration Institute. The e-mail address is provided on the About_Us page. The Acceleration Institute may be very interested in hearing the school's statement, and may be able to provide some guidance or tips to you directly and/or through an update to their Acceleration Institute website. The Parents page may be of interest.

3) Keep in mind that the goal is not to win an acceleration, but to meet your child's educational needs for continued growth and development. Therefore if the school is reluctant to arrange an acceleration, you may wish to point out perceived gaps in meeting his needs... and inquire as to their plans to meet his needs. If the school does not see a gap, and believes his needs are being met, then keep documentation at home, regarding signs that he is not appropriately challenged for his continued growth and development. You may later select items from this list to advocate to have his needs met.

Wishing you all the best, in supporting your son. Advocacy is a reiterative process. Don't be discouraged. Keep in touch.