Originally Posted by ss62
he says kids who do not progress along with their peers may later turn out unhappy etc
Two questions to think about:
1) What does he mean by "peers"...
chronological age peers, or academic/intellectual peers?
Many families find that academic/intellectual peers are a gifted child's TRUE peers.
2) What informs his view...
is it a reliable source of information?
- There are years of research (empirical evidence) behind the reports presented by the Acceleration Institute, and behind the development of the IAS.
- There are years of lived experiences (anecdotal evidence) from families with gifted children, shared in the posts on this forum discussing acceleration.
- Both of these would be considered credible sources.

While I understand a school's desire to be cautious in advising whether or not a student should skip a grade, when a school lacks depth of experience with whole-grade acceleration, it seems the best way to proceed with caution would be to leverage the years of experience behind the IAS. No need to guess, worry, or re-invent the wheel.