In the short term, your plan B is that he remain in a one-year accelerated program in a gifted class, and you advocate to provide as much acceleration as possible within that classroom.

I would like you to look at Deb Ruf’s guide to levels of giftedness and place your child (privately). Most children in his program are probably level 2 (or 3 if it’s a magnet in an urban center). If he is a 4 or 5, his intellectual needs and capabilities will be different, even if he presents, socially, as a “peer” to his cohort.

You might be stunned at what he can accomplish in a very short period of time if you let him rip in a subject he loves. Very gifted children really are socialized to fit the mold, even in an otherwise mostly supportive setting.

In your shoes, because it seems the biggest issue is unknown unknowns and how that will affect your advocacy, I’d bite the bullet and buy an IAS kit stat. Know what you want, then go get it! smile

What is to give light must endure burning.