indigo, thanks for those wonderful pointers, as usual. I think the principal was trying to talk about his 'gifted program classmates', when he said 'peers'. Obviously, they consider all the kids in the gifted program are equal in some ways. They are all in the top 2 percentile and so, the school district considers them all to be of the same proficiency. I did point out to him that the difference between a score of 130 and 160, for example, is the same as that between a 100 and a 130. Basically, I was trying to point to him that not all gifted kids act the same way and like the same things. Of course, I did not use an excellent wording, as you had used in your post. I am gonna have to steal and practice some of your vocabulary and terminology before I go to this meeting :-)

SFrog, thanks for your anecdote. yes, the scare tactic worked on me. I did get give it a thought:-( but I understood that my DS is definitely mature to handle and be with older kids. I am trying to purchase a used copy of IAS online.

I think my DS might also take a test, similar to the one you are mentioning about. If there would be one, a 50th percentile or more is good enough to qualify for an acceleration. I remember seeing such a thing in one of the posts about IAS. But, yes, if they decide to say a 'no', they will say it anyways. Fingers crossed, but extremely worried. I am really glad that your kid used a couple of skips and is doing well in college.