I'm bumping this up with a update 3 years later. DS is now 9 and still has coordination issues as well as muscle weakness. He has core strength issues as well as poor results on standardized hand grip testing.

I took him to the neuropsych he saw 3+ years ago and all of a sudden he is saying that his issues are related to his Chiari and was talking a lot about cerebellum dysfunction. I didn't even bring it up at all as a concern. He had given him a DCD diagnosis before, he listed the Chiari as a diagnosis but hardly said anything about it 3 years ago. Now all of a sudden the cerebellum dysfunction is the main cause of everyything? He even said it can affect social skills and cause his apraxia of speech I can't find anything like that in any of the stuff I'm reading. DS has not been complaining of any headaches or neck pain or anything. So why would the chiari affect his muscle strength and coordination when he doesn't have other more typical chiari symptoms? I'm going to take him to another neurosurgeon, but I find all of this very odd and disturbing.

update--I am now finding more articles after googling cerebellum rather than just chiari, like this.




Anyway, I am waiting on a report but wanted to put this here as an update...it looks like a lot of this research on the cerebellum is new.

Last edited by blackcat; 09/24/16 05:47 AM.