EDS came up in my thread but reading over here and at EDNS has me thinking this may fit. Those internet pictures and the varying descriptions had me thrown off. I had my son do some of the hypermobility tests mentioned and oh my! It was shocking to see ... esp with hands and fingers.

My husband has chronic nosebleeds since childhood. They cauterized his blood vessels trying to help and it only made it worse. On his mom's side there is a scary incidence of heart attacks at young ages in the men. He battles tears in the skin on his hands and fingers. Opening things can rip his hands up badly. He has very flat feet and has dislocated his shoulder many times in ways that seem not that traumatic. The last time while putting on a jacket. IBS (esp. the loose stool side) is a chronic problem for him as well. He has a weird jaw (my brother the dentist pointed it out) that closes in 2 different positions. He has the pale translucent skin.

My son has been diagnosed with "growing pains" many times. He seems to get hurt easily. He has mild scoliosis noted on an xray at 5. As I've mentioned elsewhere he does have Dyspraxia and hypotonia. He had awful reflux as a little person till about 2.5. We have struggled with dental caries--his baby teeth just dissolved and I never understood why as I've only had one in my entire life and we did all the right things. (His dad also gets loads of caries and has problems with teeth chipping on a regular basis.) He has started snapping the joints on his middle and ring finger just by rubbing or shaking them. It's weird. He gets bruises (as does my husband) and can't remember how he got them.

Hmmm. Wonder if I need a referral? May call the insurance on Monday and double check.