HK, the signs have been there my whole life, with multiple symptoms pointed out independently by unrelated professionals, but neither did I put it together until someone asked about EDS and pregnancy on a board, never having heard of it I looked it up (as you do) and had the "Oh.... oh dear.... oh I need to see my doctor now..." moment. Now THAT was a very embarrassing conversation with the Dr "Hi, I just read about this thing on wikipedia...", at least he'd known me half my life, knew about many of the individual problems already, and knew I wasn't in there every five minutes about something I had read on the internet! He had never heard of EDS either, so he also had to google it and then did the same thing as me "Oh... oh dear... um, you need a specialist...". Unfortunately, not knowing enough himself he sent me to a rheumatologist who diagnosed HMS, not EDS, which does not adequately cover all the health issues I have beyond just hypermobility that are clearly related to EDS. So now I am awaiting a geneticist appointment.

I don't have the most severe case of one any of the symptoms in particularly but my issues are so wide spread and multi-systemic that together they really add up to big problems and I really wish I had known earlier.

Considering how rare connective tissue disorders are supposed to be I find it fascinating how many confirmed or likely cases there are on this board, which has a fairly small population based on a different rarity.