I'm reviving this old thread, because...here we go again.

Yesterday, DS told me a couple of things his teachers said to him. Highly unusual for him to share this sort of thing. I wonder how often he is treated this way?

Teacher One said, "I'm not emailing your mother back because this is YOUR responsibility."
(I had emailed her asking about a project's due date, which he failed to write in his planner and had forgotten. One of his 504 accommodations is that I email weekly to check in and they have to respond within 24 hours. The 504 coordinator bristled when I asked for the added "and teachers will reply" language but it was clearly necessary.)

Teacher Two said, "You are losing points!" to DS (publicly) when DS blurted "hi" to a friend who had come to the front of the class to present. This teacher doesn't give any written feedback on the students' assignments--so I have no idea how many times DS has had grade reductions for behavioral issues.

Anyhew--this is almost over and I am reporting all of this but it makes me so angry when DS tells me these little anecdotes that I literally shake.