To tell the truth, the questions are really boring and not GT at all. They are straight out of the book and regurgitation type questions, at least in the one class where he keeps doing this. He might come up with more interesting things to say if asked more interesting questions--but then there's always the chance that he'd be so way far out (he is WAY divergent) that would be a problem, too.

I just found a piece of writing for his CA class--they have writing time where they have to do something--he's written an entire page (humorous) about being forced to write against his will--and being afraid he might not survive. He then goes on to list all of his belongings and to whom he wills each of them.

It's really funny and I'm pretty sure his CA teacher will think so, too, but this is the sort of thing that makes me really nervous these days...


I feel a lot better today having made a little bit of a plan for DS. Thanks for all the help here, everyone.