Meanwhile... Back at the ranch....

District checked out retired spec Ed math para and as far as they can tell he doesn't have specialized math training so that was another blind alley.

The latest proposal I need feedback on is to have the district's spec Ed director do the Key Math and have the neuropsych who originally diagnosed math disability 3 years ago come in for a discussion about the results and putting together a math program for her.

We had looked at having the neuropsych do the new math eval but he is not familiar with the PAL-2 and thinks a spec Ed person would be better at administering the Key Math. District is proposing the director of special Ed, I believe, because they think I can't possibly question her experience with the test.

Neuropsych is saying that when he evaluated DD, the summer between 1st and 2nd grade, he measured her as functioning at a 1st grade level in math so is confused by 2E evaluator bringing up pre-k issues. He thinks the issues relate to DD's processing difficulties. Of note the neuropsych labeled her as "NLD-ish" and with ADHD-Inattentive (attentional skills below the first percentile) while 2E evaluator rejected both NLD and ADHD and in fact said DD's attentional skills are "an area of significant strength." (She mentioned "sluggish cognitive tempo" when talking to me but did not include it in her report.)

So.... Questions I should ask? Concerns about differences in diagnoses causing problems? Good plan? Or better off sticking with OOD school's psych. (Remembering that school said they really didn't know what to do with math disability and accepted "average" scores from Key Math last time...)