Update - they have agreed to use the analytical software for a Key Math and have the school psychologist administer it rather than classroom (spec Ed certified) teacher. Person from the district handling things said all the notations (ie time for each section, use of scratch paper or counting on fingers, etc) are standard for her to record so she would expect school psych to do that automatically even though spec Ed teacher didn't record any of it. Will check on possibility of administering both with and without calculator.

They want to start not at grade level for higher group but at "instructional level" based on their data from end of 4th grade. I told her I don't trust their data and would rather start the year with just the targeted math and add the "instructional level" math when we have a better idea of what DD really needs. She was concerned about the "hole" in her schedule since she is scheduled for 2 math groups. I suggested using that time for doing the assessment. She is checking with school to see of this is possible.

So do I agree to have potentially wrong level of math instruction started or stick to my guns that we need good, solid data before agreeing to math goals and objectives? They are desperately trying to avoid an IEP meeting Tuesday morning...