Groan. Sorry you're still doing this, and things are so unsettled at the start of the school year.
Originally Posted by Pemberley
So my questions:

1. Is 2 different math groups a good idea or should we just focus on the intervention group at this point?
2, if we have a second group is grade level material appropriate or just being done to accommodate common core standards? What would be the best way to determine appropriate level for this second grouping given the fact that school and 2e expert's test results were so vastly different?
3. Do I let them readminister the Key Math eval as long as I can be assured it will be analyzed properly this time?
4. What criteria do I need to request to make sure the data being analyzed is "good"?
5. If I request "TOL" using a second version of the test will that negate its use again if we find someone who knows what they are doing and they want to test her with it themselves?
6. Assuming neuropsych agrees to test her himself or points us towards the correct person to do the evaluation for math should I push for the PAL-2 math or is it ok to stick with the more familiar, readily available tests?
{answering out of order}
3. Yes, I'd have them redo KeyMath,with a
4. narrative of each problem missed as well as observations as to strategies she uses that are successful for her (counting on fingers, etc). I would have them administer it twice: once without a calculator, and then a second time with a calculator (or at least on missed questions). I think there are two forms in KeyMath, which means that there are two versions of each question. It wouldn't be obvious to her she's getting the same question.

1. With evidence of her with/without calculator performance, I'd have her do the 2-levels of math at her actual instructional levels, not grade level. One level at her calculator-free instructional level, and one at her accommodated level.

The calculator should free her of the computational difficulties and allow her to develop her mathematical thinking (which I differentiate from an arithmetic process) unhindered by computation.

My DS is effectively getting double language arts this year given this approach. One targeted at the reading/writing disability, and the second targeted at his high reading and interpretation level.