[quote=aeh]Please be clear that I am not knocking the psychologist or his/her work or clinical skill. (That would be unprofessional toward a colleague.) Just pointing out that there are additional pieces of (unknown) data that could affect the diagnostic picture. I certainly don't have all the information necessary to make a clear assessment one way or the other! I am guessing that the indicators of perfectionism fit more with the psych's clinical instincts. And he/she was on the spot, so naturally one defers to his/her observations. But in the absence of more fine-motor data, that doesn't actually rule out fine-motor speed/automaticity issues. Which can cause anxiety in themselves, especially in a child whose mind moves so much more quickly.[quote]

I will admit at first I read your replies as knocking or questioning our psychologist. But as the discussion progressed I realized your probing was causing me to think it over more carefully. Anything that helps me to better understand what I am seeing, and help me learn to speak the language of giftedness and testing is welcome. It only benefits my child in the long run, and that's what this is about. I am still confident in his diagnosis, but moreso now, and not due to sheer stubbornness! (DH will tell you I have a bit of a streak of that!)