He knows the math facts. He simply cannot produce them when a timer is involved.

That, coupled with the other behaviors you mentioned, leads me to wonder if anxiety might not be worth an additional look.

ETA: How does he do if YOU time him-- on the sly? That is, if he doesn't know that he's being timed, how does he do?

What changes if you then let him know that you're tracking how long it takes him?

What is different if he is running OUT of time, instead?

If it's anxiety driving things, those three situations should result in progressively worse performance.

Perfectionists are very prone to anxiety, and your last statement above is a classic 'tell' for perfectionism (the outcome is no longer certain, this feels hard-- time to quit while I'm ahead rather than risk failing).

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 03/22/15 09:41 PM.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.