OMG, thanks for responding cym. I was starting to feel a bit nuerotic as if I was in the minority worrying about this stuff.

Last year I did compel my daughter to tell the teacher herself she was having distress over not having enough to do.
I was so sick of being thought of as a hot house parent, I'm sure K teacher has convinced herself that I am....nother story.

Things did change with the school for the better after she did, though.

"I think it makes them want to bring you (me) and my kid "down to earth". Of the teachers & administrators I interact with, they prefer the "secret" smart kids...ones that always were good students, but didn't raise their hand and know everything in class, mom's never made waves or advocated for more or advanced stuff--then one day they take a big test and surprise everyone with amazing scores."

This is such a mis-guided attitude that concerns me not only for my kids but for other gt kids as well. Great for the child who had great coping skills and was able to sit there for how many years...... How many other children with different temperments with great potential tuned out and turned off.

((shaking head in frustration)))