If the test was faked, I see how it could happen in a couple of different ways.

No matter how smart, well-adjusted, well meaning a person is...they are still human. People who take pride in their profession can get carried away, just like anyone else. It's the surfer chasing that perfect wave all around the world.
For my profession it was the elusive big whale, everyone wanted to land that massive multi-million dollar account.
I did see people get so caught up in the prospect of it they lost all reason. I admit to getting carried away a few times.
Here's this brilliant person who specializes in gifted psychology and children. Now comes along a little kid who looks like that perfect wave. Most specialists will never see a kid who is that smart. Sometimes we ignore that little voice inside telling us to pay attention because we are so invested in wanting it to be so.
Additionally, who would think someone would go to that extent to fulfil their own busted dreams through a child so young. It's maniacal! I would have never imagined that a person would do such a thing unless the idea of it was presented to me, as it was just recently. We still don't know if the mother did this, look I don't want to be unfair. For me,though, I could be looking at hard evidence that something like this happened, and I would still shake my head in disbelief. Simply because I don't want to think that it's possible.