DS will do a "reasoning test" - verbal, nonverbal and numerical reasoning, is about all I know - next term, as part of a pretest for a school he may go to. I had assumed we wouldn't do any prep... until we visited and heard the guy in charge of admissions talk. He casually assumed all the children would of course be very familiar with such tests, and contrasted that with the interview part of the process for which, he said, we shouldn't prepare our children beyond making sure they were happy to have a conversation with an unfamiliar adult.

So, DS is doing a bit of practice of NVR, that being his relative weakness. Seems a bit daft, since he's already about as good at it as I am and I'm... surely better at reasoning than most 11yos... but there you go. It's expected, and we want him to have the best chance, so we'll prep. (A little :-)

Don't be too quick to equate prep with cheating.

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