Is there any real evidence that the initial IQ tests were inaccurate or fake?
Obviously he could have refused to participate in the later test. Or perhaps he was too mentally distressed to "perform".
Either way, the article made it sound like he wanted out.
I think of that number as a measurement of what the child is capable of producing intellectually. There could be a variety of reasons the child would not perform academically as expected. That doesn't necessarily mean the first test (if not faked or course) was never accurate.
The whole story kind of freaked me out a little. Was she really doing nothing wrong and the child developed a tragic mental illness?

Was she the ultimate creator parent who took a special and unique boy and just pounded him to mold him into something she wanted until she literally broke him?
Is that really possible? I actually know a mom like that and she scares the c**p out of me.
I've started to actually fear for her children and this article kind of put a fine point on it.
And then you gotta think, what am I doing with my children? Not doing enough.....well, Terrence Tao states that talent can diminish if not nurtured..
Pushing them too much/too fast......also can harm.
It's pretty nerveracking to find a middle ground. I think I'd rather err on the side or not providing enough rather than pushing them to far.
How do you know if you are pushing rather than providing appropriate pace? It seems as if I have a good grip on that. Everyone seems happy around here. But didn't J also appear happy for the most part until right before he broke down?

Heavy stuff......