Dear First Grade Teacher,
No thanks to you for being prejudiced against my son because he needs to go to the bathroom more times than other kids in your class. Making him run laps for going on "unscheduled" bathroom breaks is enough to traumatize him into his teen years. No, he does not have "impulse control" issues because of that. He is just a playful boy who really, really loves to climb play structures at recess and role play superheroes that he forgets to use recess time for bathroom breaks. You could have made everyone's life easier by reminding him a few times!
No thanks for not picking him for math competitions, spelling competitions and whatever else because of your prejudices. My little guy had the last laugh when the standardized test results came out and all your "compliant" favorite students scored nowhere near him. Was it humiliating for you to explain to the school principal how your "average" student scored 100% across the board and none of your "top scholars" even made it close to him? No thanks for not inviting me to the merit assembly where my child won the school's merit scholarship for outstanding academics - all the other select parents that you chose to invite would have been disappointed that their child did not receive the scholarship.
And no thanks to you for trying to kill my child's love for math by telling him that an equilateral triangle could have all three angles as right angles - and no thanks for covering up your embarrassment when a 6 year old challenged you by giving him "thinking time" in a corner. ******.
I am glad that we are well rid of you.

A STEM professional who is mom to a really sweet, funny and smart kid who knows more math than you do, apparently.

Last edited by Mark Dlugosz; 07/28/14 04:22 PM. Reason: * Edited for tone